This is Eleanor Anne's latest ultrasound picture. For those of you who feel like you are looking at one of those "Magic Eye" pictures from the 90's, know that you are only looking at little Ellie's face and hand. She's got her fist up against her chin, and in the middle of the picture, you can see her lips and nose - her eyes are really just black spots.
This was taken on January 20, when she was 36 weeks and 2 days. The sono tech guessed she was about 6 1/2 pounds at this point, in the 60th percentile of weight. I am VERY happy to be carrying a big, healthy baby, but considering that she is on track to be 8 1/2 pounds on her due date, I REALLY hope she doesn't come late. Otherwise, those natural childbirth plans start to seem slightly more terrifying.
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