Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It looks like all these false labor contractions aren't going to waste; according to my midwife, I'm now 2-3 cm dilated and 80% effaced. We're obviously hoping that means labor is imminent, though she did say the dirty "I" word at my appointment this morning: INDUCTION.

I will be induced on Wednesday, Feb. 24 if nothing happens this week.

So, I'm heading down to Potomac Mills to walk the mile-long mall a few times with my mom, who did call last night to tell me that I need to start having a lot of sex to get labor started. Yes. My mom called me and told me to have a lot of sex, that is what I said.


  1. LOL! I don't know what's funnier about this - your mom's advice or the fact that you're headed to Potomac Mills. I'm on the edge of my seat. Come on Ellie! Get here already!

  2. I haven't seen Ryan on IM all day, so I'm guessing that's a good sign. :) Come to think of it, he wasn't on last night either...

