It is with great sadness that I post the last picture we have of our little Nugget when it's heart was still beating, taken last Wednesday.
While the physical recovery from the procedure (which occurred Saturday) has not been too difficult, emotionally, I am all over the place. I am glad that nature took its course and that there was no tough decision to be made regarding a baby with Trisomy 18. I am so thankful for the healthy 18-month old (in 4 days!) that we have at home that proves we can make PERFECT babies. I want to be pregnant again and still very much look forward to bringing another baby home.
But I am so sad that it wasn't this baby. Nugget just didn't have what it takes to grow and flourish, and there is nothing that I can do about that. I miss being pregnant. I am sad that the daydreaming and planning and researching that I had been doing for Nugget has been in vain. Of course it doesn't seem "fair," though that is Mother Nature for you, I suppose. I know someone has to be that 1 out of 30. And as much as I tried to prepare myself to be that one, I couldn't help but think that I was really most likely to be one of the 29 out of 30 that had a healthy baby that I'd be welcoming into this world in late February. It is a little overwhelming.
I am so sorry to hear all of this. You are wonderful parents, and wonderful people. Please let me know if there is anything...anything...that we can do!