At one, Eleanor:
- weighs 26 pounds even, which is in the 98th percentile
- is 31 inches long, which is in the 96th percentile
- has a head circumference of 17.5, which is in the 93rd percentile (they got very exact with everything this time around)
- naps twice a day (at 9am, for about an hour and a half, and at 1:30pm, for about an hour) and sleeps from about 7pm - 6am
- drinks about 20 oz. of formula a day (at 7am, 11am, and 7pm) and 3 oz. of whole milk (at 3pm - though we have been given the go ahead to start filling up all of her bottles with whole milk and cut the amount down to about 16 oz. of liquid a day)
- eats ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, though she does have favorites: cheese, peas, green beans (of the pureed variety) and spaghetti (of the "any-kind-she-can-get-in-her-mouth" variety)
- says mama, dada, augie (sometimes though, it's more like "aug-goo" or "aug-d"), kitty (it sounds like "iddy"), cheese ("chhhe"), uh-oh, and wow ("oooow"). Oh, and she will moo like a cow.
- loves turning the pages in her books and is VERY purposeful when choosing which one she wants to "read". She will look at the cover of each book she pulls from her book basket and quickly discard any she is not in the mood for by simply tossing them over her shoulder.
- is a fish. Eleanor could swim in a pool or play in the bathtub for hours.
- likes having her teeth brushed.
- can climb onto anything. She goes up and down the stairs (on her belly) and can get onto and off of the couch now. She has a new chair just her size that she will just climb into and out of over and over again. Her favorite climbing though, is through boxes, tunnels and forts.
- squeals with delight when she gets to watch Elmo's Song
- is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to us. We are so lucky.
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