Here's a list of all of the words that Eleanor says on her own, without prompting, as of today:
1. Mama
2. Daddy
3. Night Night
4. Bun Bun
5. Byron
6. Augie
7. Doggy
8. Kitty
9. Baby
10. Ball
11. Milk
12. Apple
13. Banana
14. Cheese
15. Ohs (Cheerios)
16. Bottle
17. All Done
18. Up
19. Bye Bye
20. Elmo
21. Car
22. Yia Yia
23. Pau Pous
24. Ellie!
There are a lot of words that she repeats as well, though I don't think that really counts as words that she has. And she makes a lot of appropriate animal sounds right now when she sees several animals: cow, pig, sheep, etc. BUT, she's kind of shy, so when other people are around, she's very quiet - very pleasant and sweet, but just quiet.