Thursday, December 16, 2010

First Snow Day!

She loved it! Though, it really is hard to find anything that Eleanor doesn't like these days (besides the obvious, Mommy leaving the room and being really tired). She's been ridiculously pleasant and happy of late. I think she is mostly THRILLED that she can walk and is happily anticipating "Woodbridge Christmas" this Sunday and a visit to Raleigh to show off her new skills to her Grandma and Granddaddy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Caroling

Not a bad way to spend a Saturday morning.

Friday, December 3, 2010

In Which You Can See the Awesome Penguin Decoration

Hip Hop Hurray!

So apparently I just wasn't giving her enough room to roam. I JUST wrote how she is taking up to 8 steps at a time mere hours ago. When we practiced tonight, this is what we got:

(That music is from a holiday penguin "decoration" in the background. It is awesome.)

Um, Hello December. Where Did You Come From?

Um, hello walking baby. Where did you come from?

Eleanor is now regularly taking steps. I don't know if I would say she is "walking," since crawling is still her go-to for getting around. But she's taking between 3-8 steps at a time on her own these days - just in time for a giant needly tree adorned in colorful, easy-to-destroy heirlooms to make its appearance. Eh, who am I kidding - I don't think cut out bits of felt and puzzle pieces glued together with a 2nd grade school photo slapped on is considered an heirloom.