It's official: she's mobile.
Eleanor is now kind of crawling, most definitely scooting, her way around. This means she will not simply sit up and look at the camera and be adorable anymore; she realizes if she's sitting, she is only seconds away from scooting, and immediately her hands and knees hit the floor. I tried to take pictures yesterday - they are all of her blurry forehead. She's also decided to stop practicing any other skills in favor of scooting. Babble? No. Scoot. Play? No. Scoot. Eat? No. Scoot. Sleep? No. Scoot.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
How Eleanor Gets What She Wants (Another Computer Series)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Latest
This week, Ellie has been perfecting the art of clawing her little way up things. Her favorite target, my standing leg, particularly if I'm in soft yoga pants that allow her to really dig in those little baby fingers and get a good grip.
Her second favorite thing to claw her way up is the ottoman - anything to get to that computer!
There are so many tiny buttons to push! While it doesn't make as many fun noises as the piano when she pushes the keys, she apparently finds the screen, which changes as she bangs away on the keyboard, mesmerizing.
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Big One
Friday, August 20, 2010
6 Month Stats
- is 27 1/2 inches long (90-95 percentile) and 20 lbs even (above 95 percentile) - I know, I know
- eats 8 oz from a bottle at a time, 4 times a day (typically around 6:30, 10:30, 2:30 and 6:30), which is not that much! I don't know why she is so huge.
- can sit completely unassisted for as long as she wants and doesn't topple over anymore
- reaches for toys, grabs them with either hand, and can move them from one hand to another
- makes all sorts of squealing, mumbling, laughing and babbling noises, the newest being "mmm hmmm muummuum"
- has started rocking back and forth on her hands and knees and sometimes lunges forward from that position (crawling will be soon!)
- takes two naps (at 9am and 1pm), each lasting about an hour and a half
- has a bedtime routine every night that includes a few songs from Daddy on the guitar, followed by a bath, a bottle, a song by Mommy and rocking for 10 minutes (she gets the song and 10 minutes of rocking before each nap too and usually goes down asleep, but sometimes just goes down drowsy, talks to herself for a minute, and THEN falls asleep)
- goes to bed between 6:30 and 7, wakes up between 6 and 6:30
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
More Peas Please
Babies don't typically love veggies the first time they try them. The baby books I have read say to start with fruit to get them used to eating, and then slowly introduce the veg - it will take a while, but baby will eventually eat them. Today, Eleanor tried peas for the first time, and COULD NOT GET ENOUGH of them. Squealed for them. Sat there with her mouth open - MORE! Finished an entire jar of baby peas. She has not ever finished an entire jar of anything.

Mea Cupa
Eleanor's favorite game, by far, is "cups". These $3 plastic stackable cups have been entertaining her for countless hours now. She likes to knock them down; she likes to pick them up. She likes to bang them on the ground; she likes to bang them against each other. She likes to nibble at the rims; she likes to lick the bottoms. The girl likes her cups.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Another Sweater Picture
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Wishful Thinking: Sweater Weather

She's crawling! Well, she's scooting. Ok, so she's scooting backwards, but she's basically crawling! She starts out flat on her tummy...
Then scrunches up her little body and gets on her knees...
Then she just pushes her arms out straight, so she ends up going backwards.
It's both exciting and terrifying to imagine a mobile Eleanor. I think she'll love being a little more independent, and I'm thinking I might love it to...? I know everyone says not to rush them into growing up, that it'll all go by too quickly, and that I definitely shouldn't even consider blinking, otherwise she'll just go ahead and turn into a teenager right then and there, but I'm excited for the next phase. Though, we are going to need about 6 baby gates for this house that is made almost entirely of stairs.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Just One of Those Days

Monday, August 2, 2010
Well, you all better get used to pictures of Eleanor in her stroller with touristy destinations in the background.
We are headed back to London, again, this time for 2 months. Ryan's going to work out of the main office and I'm going to walk Eleanor around in the rain. I will be needing one of these. Early Christmas present anyone? Oh, and speaking of early Christmas presents, who doesn't want to have to buy us one for the next 7 years and instead, agree to watch Augie Doggy while we are gone (Oct. 1 until around Thanksgiving)? He comes with all the dog food he can eat and a shock collar. Finn is easy to hand off; it's like asking people if they wouldn't mind keeping this teddy bear on their bed for 7 weeks. Oh, and you have to feed this teddy bear and take it out TWICE a day. I know, unbearable right? But good old Augerson Dogerson, he's like a real dog who needs a walk and likes to play and has the urge to chew. Eleanor is going to miss him so much; she definitely smiles more at Augie than at anyone else. Seriously though, we don't know what we are going to do with the dogs.
(The picture above is from a recent trip to the Hirshhorn; we took Eleanor to see the Yves Klein exhibit. Her favorites were the blue pieces.)

(The picture above is from a recent trip to the Hirshhorn; we took Eleanor to see the Yves Klein exhibit. Her favorites were the blue pieces.)
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